The life and times of a Pondian lost in transit somewhere between Ponda and the Mojave Desert:p

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Today started as usual... I had to get to work at 9 a.m. Alarm goes off at 7.30 am and the guy who usually turns off the alarm, resets it to 8 am and goes back to sleep did it again. My alarm clock, aka my cell phone has this unique feature (:p) called snooze, which lets me sleep 5 minutes longer every time it goes off and i press a button. Unfortunately, the "5 minutes" keep adding up till it becomes an hour... So as usual, i got out of bed at 8.30 am, kicking and cursing.. at myself, since I can't get myself to sleep before 3 am. Very bad habit...

It is a cold day today. It's raining "Cats and Dogs"... well atleast by Cleveland standards. Being a Goan, I have really seen what it's like when it really rains cats and dogs! This rain is nothing compared to back home. But Cleveland has its own version and assortment of bad weather that it can randomly throw at you. It was raining pitter patter, the temperature was 8 degrees Celcius around 49 degrees fahrenheit), but the wind made it feel like it was 2 degrees Celcius. Believe me, it sucks... and its gona suck even worse when the real winter starts. I no longer have the fascination for snow and cold weather that I had before I came here. It didn't take me long to realize that it's no fun having your toes, ears and nose frozen.

The Chinese are doing great at business. India and China are the next big superpowers. China is this , China is that... This is what every professor in business school says in every lecture. I don't doubt these statements. But i feel the Chinese have found ingeneous ways to bug Indians. On a day like today, a cold, hungry, sleepy me goes to the corner Chinese restaurant that I frequent for its take away spicy chicken fried rice (with egg) for only $3.50. After waiting for 10 minutes, my parcel is ready, I pay and get out of the restaurant into the cold, eager to get home and sink my teeth into delicious, hot, spicy, chicken fried rice! I get home, I open the box, and i am still looking for the chicken. Chinese bastards gave me veggie fried rice with egg! Anyway, it was delicious nevertheless. :)

Well that's what I've done so far today! Have to get out again for class later in the evening. It's Bhaskar's birthday today... call him!

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